[原著論文] [査読付国際会議録] [総説・解説] [著書] [特許] [新聞報道]
[150] | S. X. Tang, S. Nishimoto, K. Hagihara, M. Yamasaki Effects of heterogeneous microstructure evolution on the tensile and fracture toughness properties of extruded AZ31B alloys Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 12 (2024) 4126-4139. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jma.2024.10.005 |
[149] | M. Yamasaki, T. Matsumoto, T. Mayama, H. Somekawa, K. Hagihara, S. Nishimoto, Y. Kawamura Dynamic recovery around deformation kink boundary of Mg-Y-Zn alloy with long-period stacking ordered structure Materials Letters, 377 (2024) 137360. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2024.137360 |
[148] | S. Nishimoto, T. Yasuda, K. Hagihara, M. Yamasaki Effects of multimodal microstructure on fracture toughness and its anisotropy of LPSO-type extruded Mg-1Zn-2Y alloys Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 12 (2024) pp.2952-2966. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jma.2024.07.018 |
[147] | T. Tokunaga, T. Yonemura, K. Hagihara High-temperature strength and kink-band formation in mille-feuille-structured Ti/FeTi eutectic alloys Materials Science and Engineering A, 900 (2024) pp.146505. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2024.146505 |
[148] | T. Mineta, D. Takahashi, W. Bando, H. Sato, K. Hagihara, M. Yamasaki Creep deformation behavior and microstructure of α-Mg/long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) duplex Mg-Y-Zn alloy prepared by hot extrusion and heat treatment Materials Today Communications, 39 (2024) pp.108912 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.108912 |
[147] | K. Hagihara, S. Ohsawa, T. Tokunaga New kink-band formation mechanism discovered in Zn-Al alloy with mille-feuille microstructure Materials Design, 239 (2024) pp.112767 (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2024.112767 |
[146] | D. Egusa, T. Mayama, K. Hagihara, E. Abe Stress-induced symmetrical tilt boundaries in layer-structured Al-Cu eutectic alloys Scripta Materialia, 244 (2024) pp.116025. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116025 |
[145] | T. Tokunaga, Y. Minamino, K. Yamamoto, T. Sugimoto, K. Hagihara Effect of rolling and alloying elements on the impact properties of hypereutectoid steels ISIJ International, 64 (2024) pp.1078-1088. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2023-453 |
[144] | K. Hagihara, T. Mayama, M. Yamasaki, S. Harjo, T. Tokunaga, K. Yamamoto, M.Sugita, K. Aoyama, W. Gong, S. Nishimoto Contributions of multimodal microstructure in the deformation behavior of extruded Mg alloys containing LPSO phase International Journal of Plasticity, 173 (2024) pp.103865. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2023.103865 |
[143] | T. Tokunaga, K. Yamamoto, Y. Minamino, T. Takayama, T. Sugimoto, K. Hagihara Effects of cementite particles on impact properties in high-hardness hypereutectoid steels ISIJ International, 64 (2024) pp.389-400. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2023-164 |
[142] | R. Matsumura, Y. Ueda, K. Hagihara, Y. Shinohara, T. Inamura Local plastic deformation of kink band opposing external stress in Mg–Zn–Y alloy Materials Transactions, 65 (2024) pp.101-104. https://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-M2023155 |
[141] | R. Matsumura, K. Hagihara, T. Inamura Verification of rank-1 connection model of kink band in Mg–Zn–Y alloy Materials Transactions, 65 (2024) pp.97-100. https://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-M2023143 |
[140] | K. Yamamoto, T. Takayama, Y. Minamino, Y. Koizumi, T. Tokunaga, K. Hagihara Modification of grain boundary microstructure by controlling dissolution behavior of θ particles in Cr-containing hypereutectoid steel Materials Characterization, 205 (2023) pp.113241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2023.113241 |
[139] | K. Hagihara Effect of short-range order on the high-temperature plastic deformation behavior of Ni–Cr–W, Ni–W, and Ni–Re single crystals Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 165 (2023) 143-152. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2023.04.058 |
[138] | K. Hagihara, S. Shakudo, T. Tokunaga, T. Nakano Development of Zn–Mg–Ca biodegradable dual-phase alloys Metals, 13 (2023) 1095 (pp.1-13). (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.3390/met13061095 |
[137] | H. Miyazaki, T. Akatsuka, K. Kimura, D. Egusa, Y. Sato, M. Itakura, Y. Takagi, A. Yasui, K. Ozawa, K. Mase, T. Tokunaga, K. Hayashi, K. Hagihara, E. Abe Investigation of the electronic structure of the Mg99.2Zn0.2Y0.6 alloy using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Materials Transactions, 64 (2023) pp.1194-1198. (open access paper) http://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-MD2022019 |
[136] | K. Hagihara, T. Tokunaga, K. Yamamoto, M. Yamasaki, T. Mayama, T. Shioyama, Y. Kawamura, T. Nakano Unified understanding of strengthening mechanisms acting in Mg/LPSO two-phase extruded alloys with varying LPSO phase volume fraction Materials Transactions, 64 (2023) pp.720-729. (open access paper) http://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-MD2022002 |
[135] | S. Ishizaki, M. Yamasaki, K. Hagihara, T. Nakamura, Y. Kawamura Relationship between cluster-arranged nanoplate formation and mechanical properties of dilute Mg–Y–Zn alloys prepared by combination of low-cooling-rate solidification and extrusion techniques Materials Transactions, 64 (2023) pp.756-765. http://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-MD2022015 |
[134] | T. Shiraiwa, N. Hamada, F. Briffod, M. Enoki, K. Hagihara Synchronized formation of kink bands in Al/Al2Cu mille-feuille structured alloy Materials Transactions, 64 (2023) pp.735-743. https://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-MD2022005 |
[133] | K. Kimura, D. Egusa, K. Hagihara, N. Happo, N. Kawamura, H. Tajiri, K. Hayashi, E. Abe Local structural analysis around solute-element in annealed Mg99.2Zn0.2Y0.6 alloy using X-ray fluorescence holography Materials Transactions, 64 (2023) pp.750-755. https://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-MD2022009 |
[132] | H. Amano, T. Ishimoto, K. Hagihara, R. Suganuma, K. Aiba, S.-H. Sun, P. Wang, T. Nakano Impact of gas flow direction on the crystallographic texture evolution in laser powder bed fusion Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 18 (2023), e2169172 (16) (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1080/17452759.2023.2169172 |
[131] | 城 鮎美, 菖蒲 敬久, 萩原 幸司, 渡邉 真史 回折法を利用した LPSO 型マグネシウム合金における階層的変形機構に関する研究 SPring-8/SACLA利用研究成果集 section B, 10 (2022) pp.438-446. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.18957/rr.10.5.438 |
[130] | T. Tokunaga, K. Hagihara, M. Yamasaki, T. Mayama, K. Yamamoto, H. Narimoto, T. Kida, Y. Kawamura, T. Nakano Kink-band formation in the directionally-solidified Mg/LPSO two-phase alloys Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 23 (2022) pp.752-766. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1080/14686996.2022.2137696 |
[129] | K. Hagihara, T. Tokunaga, S. Ohsawa, S. Uemichi, K. Guan, D. Egusa, E.Abe Microstructural factors governing the significant strengthening of Al/Al2Cu mille-feuille structured alloys accompanied by kink-band formation International Journal of Plasticity, 158 (2022) pp.103419. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2022.103419 |
[128] | T. Mayama, S. R. Agnew, K. Hagihara, K. Kamura, K. Shiraishi, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura α-Mg/LPSO (Long-Period Stacking Ordered) phase interfaces as obstacles against dislocation slip in as-cast Mg-Zn-Y alloys International Journal of Plasticity, 154 (2022) pp.103294. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2022.103294 |
[127] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Control of anisotropic crystallographic texture in powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of metals and ceramics - a review Journal of Metals (JOM), 74 (2022), pp.1760-1773 . (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-021-04966-7 |
[126] | S.-H. Sun, K. Hagihara, T. Ishimoto, R. Suganuma, Y.-F. Xue, T. Nakano Comparison of microstructure, crystallographic texture, and mechanical properties in Ti–15Mo–5Zr–3Al alloys fabricated via electron and laser beam powder bed fusion technologies Additive Manufacturing, 47 (2021) pp.102329; 1-17. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2021.102329 |
[125] | K. Hagihara, R. Ueyama, T. Tokunaga, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, T. Nakano Quantitative estimation of kink-band strengthening in an Mg–Zn–Y single crystal with LPSO nanoplates Materials Research Letters, 9 (2021) pp.467-474. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1080/21663831.2021.1974593 |
[124] | R. Liu, S. Higashino, K. Hagihara, L. Zhang, T. Sekino, M. Tane Change in elastic properties during room-temperature aging in body-centered cubic Mg-Li and Mg-Li-Al single crystals Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 109 (2022) pp.49-53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2021.07.058 |
[123] | K. Hagihara, T. Tokunaga, K. Nishiura, S. Uemichi, S. Ohsawa Control of kink-band formation in mille-feuille structured Al/Al2Cu eutectic alloys Materials Science and Engineering A, 825 (2021) pp.141849. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2021.141849 |
[122] | H. Somekawa, D. Ando, K. Hagihara, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura Intrinsic kink bands strengthening induced by several wrought-processes in Mg-Y-Zn alloys containing LPSO phase Materials Characterization, 179 (2021) pp.111348. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2021.111348 |
[121] | K. Hagihara, T. Ishimoto, M. Suzuki, R. Ozasa, A. Matsugaki, P. Wang, T. Nakano Factor which governs the feature of texture developed during additive manufacturing; clarified from the study on hexagonal C40-NbSi2 Scripta Materialia, 203 (2021) pp.114111. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.114111 |
[120] | T. Xin, Y. Zhao, R. Mahjoub, J. Jiang, A. Yadav, K. Nomoto, R. Niu, S. Tang, F. Ji, Z. Quadir, D. Miskovic, J. Daniels, W. Xu, X. Liao, L.-Q. Chen, K. Hagihara, X. Li, S. Ringer, M. Ferry Ultrahigh specific strength in a magnesium alloy strengthened by spinodal decomposition Science Advances, 7 (2021) pp.eabf3039. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abf3039 |
[119] | M. Yamasaki, T. Mayama, T. Matsumoto, K. Hagihara, D. Drozdenko, Y. Kawamura Formation of <0001>-rotation-type kink boundary in Mg–Zn–Y alloy with long-period stacking ordered structure Materials Science and Engineering A, 819 (2021) pp.141466. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2021.141466 |
[118] | T. Ishimoto, K.Hagihara, K. Hisamoto, T. Nakano Stability of crystallographic texture in laser powder bed fusion: Understanding the competition of crystal growth using a single crystalline seed Additive Manufacturing, 43 (2021) pp.102004. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2021.102004 |
[117] | K.Hagihara, R. Ueyama, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, T. Nakano Surprising increase in yield stress of Mg single crystal using long-period stacking ordered nanoplates Acta Materialia, 209 (2021) pp.116797. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.116797 |
[116] | K. Hagihara, K. Miyoshi Kink-band formation in directionally solidified Mg/Mg2Yb and Mg/Mg2Ca eutectic alloys with Mg/Laves-phase lamellar microstructure Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 10 (2022) pp.492-500. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jma.2021.02.006 |
[115] | T. Nakano, K. Hagihara, A.R. Ribeiro, Y. Fujiia, T. Todo, R. Fukushima, L. A. Rocha Orientation dependence of the wear resistance in the Co–Cr–Mo single crystal Wear, 478-479 (2021) pp.203758. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2021.203758 |
[114] | K. Hagihara, K. Hayakawa, K. Miyoshi Inducement of kink-band formation in directionally solidified Mg/Mg17Al12 eutectic alloy - Inspired by the deformation behavior of the long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) phase Materials Science and Engineering A, 798 (2020) pp.140087. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2020.140087 |
[113] | N. Takata, T. Okano, M. Aikawa, A.Suzuki, M. Kobashi, K. Hagihara Morphology and mechanical properties of the T-Al6Mg11Zn11 phase in the eutectic microstructure of Al–Zn–Mg ternary alloys Intermetallics, 124 (2020) pp.106881. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2020.106881 |
[112] | S. Yamasaki, T. Tokuzumi, W. Li, M. Mitsuhara, H. Nakashima, K. Hagihara, T. Fujii Kink formation process in long-period stacking ordered Mg-Zn-Y alloy Acta Materialia, 195 (2020) pp.25-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2020.04.051 |
[111] | K. Hagihara, T. Okamoto, R. Ueyama, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, T. Nakano Loading orientation dependence of the formation behavior of deformation kink bands in the Mg-based long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) phase Materials Transactions, 61 (2020) pp.821-827. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-MM2019001 |
[110] | N. Imaizumi, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Variations in lamellar microstructure by the addition of fourth elements in (Mo0.85Nb0.15)Si2 C40/C11b two-phase alloy AMTC Letters, 6 (2019) pp.152-153. |
[109] | K. Hagihara, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, T. Nakano Strengthening of Mg-based long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) phase with deformation kink bands Materials Science and Engineering A, 763 (2019) pp.138163. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2019.138163 |
[108] | K. Hagihara, K. Mori, T. Nakano Enhancement of plastic anisotropy and drastic increase in yield stress of Mg-Li single crystals by Al-addition followed by quenching Scripta Materialia, 172 (2019) pp.93-97. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2019.07.012 |
[107] | T. Ishimoto, R. Suetoshi, D. Cretin, K. Hagihara, J. Hashimoto, A. Kobayashi, T. Nakano Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) axial transmission method reflects anisotropy in micro-arrangement of apatite crystallites in human long bones: A study with 3-MHz-frequency ultrasound Bone, 127 (2019) pp.82-90. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bone.2019.05.034 |
[106] | M. Todai, T. Nagase, T. Hori, H. Motoki, S.-H. Sun, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Fabrication of the beta-titanium alloy rods from a mixture of pure metallic element powders via selected laser melting Materials Science Forum, 941 (2018) pp.1260-1263. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.941.1260 |
[105] | K. Hagihara, Z.Li, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, T. Nakano Strengthening mechanisms acting in extruded Mg-based long-period stacking ordered (LPSO)-phase alloys Acta Materialia, 163 (2019) pp.226-239. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2018.10.016 |
[104] | K. Hagihara, K. Hayakawa Plastic deformation behavior and operative slip systems in Mg17Al12 single crystals Materials Science and Engineering A, 737 (2018) pp. 393-400. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.09.056 |
[103] | S.-H. Sun, T. Ishimoto, K. Hagihara, Y. Tsutsumi, T. Hanawa, T. Nakano Excellent mechanical and corrosion properties of austenitic stainless steel with a unique crystallographic lamellar microstructure via selective laser melting Scripta Materialia, 159 (2019) pp.89-93. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.09.017 |
[102] | T. Nishioka, Y. Yamamoto, K. Kimura, K. Hagihara, H. Izuno, N. Happo, S. Hosokawa, E. Abe, M. Suzuki, T. Matsushita, K. Hayashi In-plane positional correlations among dopants in 10H type long period stacking ordered Mg75Zn10Y15 alloy studied by X-ray fluorescence holography Materialia, 3 (2018) pp.256-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2018.09.002 |
[101] | T. Matsumoto, M. Yamasaki, K. Hagihara, Y. Kawamura Configuration of dislocations in low-angle kink boundaries formed in a single crystalline long-period stacking ordered Mg-Zn-Y alloy Acta Materialia, 151 (2018) pp.112-124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2018.03.034 |
[100] | S. Hosokawa, K. Kimura, J. R. Stellhorna, K. Yoshida, K. Hagihara, H. Izuno, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, Y. Mine, K. Takashima, H. Uchiyama, S. Tsutsui Phonon excitations in a single crystal Mg85Zn6Y9 with a synchronized long-period stacking ordered phase Acta Materialia, 146 (2018) pp.273-279. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2017.12.053 |
[99] | S.H. Sun, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Effect of scanning strategy on texture formation in Ni-25at.%Mo alloys fabricated by selective laser melting Materials and Design, 140 (2018) pp.307-316. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2017.11.060 |
[98] | K. Hagihara, Z. Li, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, T. Nakano Strain-rate dependence of deformation behavior of LPSO-phases Materials Letters, 214 (2018) pp.119-122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2017.11.117 |
[97] | M. Tane, S. Suzuki, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, K. Hagihara, H. Kimizuka Insignificant elastic-modulus mismatch and stress partitioning in two-phase Mg–Zn–Y alloys comprised of α-Mg and long-period stacking ordered phases Materials Science and Engineering A, 710 (2018) pp.227-239. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2017.10.069 |
[96] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, M. Todai Unusual dynamic precipitation softening induced by dislocation glide in biomedical beta-titanium alloys Scientific Reports, 7 (2017) pp.8056 1-9. (open access paper) http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-08211-7 |
[95] | W. Kaita, K. Hagihara, L. A. Rocha, T. Nakano Plastic deformation mechanisms of biomedical Co-Cr-Mo alloy single crystals with hexagonal close-packed structure Scripta Materialia, 142 (2018) pp.111-115. (open access paper) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.08.016 |
[94] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Experimental clarification of the cyclic deformation mechanisms of β-type Ti–Nb–Ta–Zr-alloy single crystals developed for the single-crystalline implant International Journal of Plasticity, 98 (2017) pp.27-44. (open access paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2017.06.006 |
[93] | K. Hagihara, T. Ikenishi, H. Araki, T. Nakano Outstanding compressive creep strength in Cr/Ir-codoped (Mo0.85Nb0.15)Si2 crystals with the unique cross-lamellar microstructure Scientific Reports, 7 (2017) pp.3936 1-12. (open access paper) http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-04163-0 |
[92] | K. Kimura, K. Hayashi, K. Hagihara, H. Izuno, N. Happo, S. Hosokawa, M. Suzuki, H. Tajiri In-plane positional fluctuations of zinc atoms in single crystal Mg85Zn6Y9 alloy studied by X-ray fluorescence holography Materials Transactions, 58 (2017) pp.539-542. http://dx.doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.M2016459 |
[91] | T. Ishimoto, K. Hagihara, K. Hisamoto, S.-H.Sun, T. Nakano Texture control of beta-type Ti–15Zr–5Mo–3Al alloy by selective laser melting for the development of novel implants with an extremely low Young’s modulus Scripta Materialia, 132 (2017) pp. 34-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.12.038 (Open access paper) |
[90] | K. Hagihara, T. Ikenishi, T. Nakano Development of unique cross-lamellar microstructure, resulting in the drastic increase in fracture toughness in Cr/Ir-codoped (Mo0.85Nb0.15)Si2 crystals Scripta Materialia, 131 (2017) pp.19-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.12.029 |
[89] | K. Hagihara, T.Nakano, M. Suzuki, T. Ishimoto, Suyalatu, S.-H.Sun Successful additive manufacturing of MoSi2 including crystallographic texture and shape control Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 696 (2017) pp.67-72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.11.191 (Open access paper) |
[88] | M. Todai, T. Nakano, T. Liu, H. Y. Yasuda, K. Hagihara, K. Cho, M. Ueda, M.Takayama Effect of building direction on the microstructure and tensile properties of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy additively manufactured by electron beam melting Additive Manufacturing, 13 (2017) pp.61-70. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2016.11.001 (Open access paper) |
[87] | K. Hagihara, H. Araki, T. Ikenishi, T. Nakano High-temperature deformation behavior of (Mo0.85Nb0.15)Si2 crystals with C40/C11b lamellar microstructure Materials Science Forum, 879 (2017) pp.677-683. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.879.677 |
[86] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, H. Maki, Y. Umakoshi, M. Niinomi Isotropic plasticity of β-type Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr alloy single crystals for the development of single crystalline β-Ti implants Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) pp.20779 1-10.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep29779 (Open access paper)
[85] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, K. Sasaki Anomalous strengthening behavior of Co–Cr–Mo alloy single crystals for biomedical applications Scripta Materialia, 123 (2016) pp.149-153. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.06.016 |
[84] | K. Hagihara, K. Yuge, T. Ikenishi, H. Araki, T. Nakano Effect of additional elements on fracture toughness of (Mo0.85Nb0.15)Si2 C40/C11b lamellar-structured crystals Materials Letters, 177 (2016) pp.99-103. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2016.04.132 |
[83] | K. Hagihara, M. Okubo, M. Yamasaki, T. Nakano Crystal-orientation-dependent corrosion behaviour of single crystals of a pure Mg and Mg-Al and Mg-Cu solid solutions Corrosion Science, 109 (2016) pp.68-85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2016.03.019 |
[82] | K. Hagihara, T. Okamoto, H. Izuno, M. Yamasaki, M. Matsushita, T. Nakano, Y. Kawamura Plastic deformation behavior of 10H-type synchronized LPSO phase in a Mg-Zn-Y system Acta Materialia, 109 (2016) pp.90-102. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2016.02.037 |
[81] | K. Hagihara, T. Okamoto, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, T. Nakano Electron backscatter diffraction pattern analysis of the deformation band formed in the Mg-based long-period stacking ordered phase Scripta Materialia, 117 (2016) pp.32-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.02.016 |
[80] | K. Hagihara, H. Araki, T. Ikenishi, T. Nakano Creep-deformation behavior of (Mo0.85Nb0.15)Si2 lamellar-structured C40/C11b two-phase crystals Acta Materialia, 107 (2016) pp.196-212. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2016.01.040 |
[79] | K. Hagihara, T. Mayama, M. Honnami, M. Yamasaki, H. Izuno, T. Okamoto, T. Ohashi, T. Nakano, Y. Kawamura Orientation dependence of the deformation kink band formation behavior in Zn single crystals International Journal of Plasticity, 77 (2016) pp.174-191. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2015.10.005 |
[78] | M. Todai, K. Hagihara, K. Kishida, H. Inui, T. Nakano Microstructure and fracture toughness in boron added NbSi2(C40)/MoSi2(C11b) duplex crystals Scripta Materialia, 113 (2016) pp.236-240. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2015.11.004 |
[77] | M. Tane, K. Hagihara, M. Ueda, T. Nakano, Y. Okuda Elastic-modulus enhancement during room-temperature aging and its suppression in metastable Ti-Nb-based alloys with low body-centered cubic phase stability Acta Materialia, 102 (2016) pp.373-384. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2015.09.030 |
[76] | T. Yamazaki, Y. Koizumi, K. Yuge, A. Chiba, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, K. Kishida, H. Inui Mechanisms of lamellar structure formation and Cr interfacial segregation in C11b-MoSi2/C40-NbSi2 dual phase silicide verified by a phase-field simulation incorporating elastic inhomogeneity Computational Materials Science, 108 (2015) pp.358-366. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2015.04.018 |
[75] | 當代光陽,萩原幸司,石本卓也,山本憲吾,中野貴由 β型Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al合金単結晶を用いた低ヤング率ボーンプレートの開発 鉄と鋼, 101 (2015) pp.501-505. http://doi.org/10.2355/tetsutohagane.TETSU-2015-044 |
[74] | M.Tane, H. Kimizuka, K. Hagihara, S. Suzuki, T. Mayama, T. Sekino, Y. Nagai Effects of stacking sequence and short-range ordering of solute atoms on elastic properties of Mg-Zn-Y alloys with long-period stacking ordered structures Acta Materialia, 96 (2015) pp.170-188. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2015.06.005 |
[73] | T. Mayama, T. Ohashi, Y. Tadano, K. Hagihara Crystal plasticity analysis of development of intragranular misorientations due to kinking in HCP single crystals subjected to uniaxial compressive loading Materials Transactions, 56 (2015) pp.963-972. http://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MH201403 |
[72] | K. Hagihara, M. Honnami, R. Matsumoto , Y. Fukusumi, H. Izuno, M. Yamasaki, T. Okamoto, T. Nakano, Y. Kawamura In-situ observation on the formation behavior of the deformation kink bands in Zn single crystal and LPSO phase Materials Transactions, 56 (2015) pp.943-951. http://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MH201412 |
[71] | K. Hagihara, M. Yamasaki, M. Honnami, H. Izuno, M. Tane, T. Nakano, Y. Kawamura Crystallographic nature of deformation bands shown in Zn and Mg-based long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) phase Philosophical Magazine, 95 (2015) pp.132-157. http://doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2014.987843 |
[70] | K. Hagihara, S. Shakudo, K. Fujii, T. Nakano Degradation behavior of Ca-Mg-Zn intermetallic compounds for use as biodegradable implant materials Materials Science Engineering C, 44 (2014) pp.285-292. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2014.08.037 |
[69] | Y. Koizumi, T. Yamazaki, K. Yuge, A. Chiba, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, K. Kishida, H. Inui Mechanisms of Cr segregation to C11b/C40 lamellar interface in (Mo,Nb)Si2 duplex silicide: a phase-field study to bridge experimental and first-principles investigations Intermetallics, 54 (2014) pp.232-241. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2014.05.019 |
[68] | K. Hagihara, T. Fushiki, T. Nakano Control of microstructure and fracture toughness improvement of NbSi2/MoSi2 duplex lamellar silicides by TaC particles dispersion Scripta Materialia, 82 (2014) pp.53-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2014.03.021 |
[67] | M. Yamasaki, M. Matsushita, K. Hagihara, H. Izuno, E. Abe, Y. Kawamura Highly ordered 10H-type long-period stacking order phase in a Mg-Zn-Y ternary alloy Scripta Materialia, 78-79 (2014) pp.13-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2014.01.013 |
[66] | K. Hagihara, Y. Hama, T. Fushiki, K. Yuge, T. Nakano Microsructure and mechanical properties of the NbSi2/MoSi2 crystal with lamellar structure Materials Science Forum, 783-786 (2014) pp.1123-1128. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.783-786.1123 |
[65] | T. Yamazaki, Y. Koizumi, A. Chiba, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, K. Yuge, K. Kishida, H. Inui Interface migration with segregation in MoSi2-based lamellar alloy simulated by phase-field method Advanced Materials Research, 922 (2014) pp.832-837. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.922.832 |
[64] | H. Okuda, T. Horiuchi, T. Maruyama, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, K. Hagihara, S. Kohara Development of microstructures of long-period stacking ordered structures in Mg85Y9Zn6 alloys annealed at 673 K (400 ̊C) examined by small-angle X-ray scattering Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45 (2014) pp.147-151. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-013-1766-z |
[63] | P. S. Ghosh, A. Arya, U. D. Kulkarni, G. K. Dey, S. Hata, T. Nakano, K. Hagihara, H. Nakashima Ab-initio study of long-period superstructures and anti-phase boundaries in Al-rich γ-TiAl (L10)-based alloys Philosophical Magazine, 94 (2014) pp.1202-1218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2014.885135 |
[62] | M. Tane, Y. Nagai, H. Kimizuka, K. Hagihara, Y. Kawamura Elastic properties of an Mg–Zn–Y alloy single crystal with a long-period stacking-ordered structure Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) pp.6338-6351. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2013.06.041 |
[61] | K. Hagihara, Y. Hama, K. Yuge, T. Nakano Misfit strain affecting the lamellar microstructure in NbSi2/MoSi2 duplex crystals Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) pp.3432-3444. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2013.02.035 |
[60] | M. Yamasaki, K. Hagihara, S. Inoue, J.P. Hadorn, Y. Kawamura Crystallographic classification of kink bands in an extruded Mg–Zn–Y alloy using intragranular misorientation axis analysis Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) pp.2065-2076. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2012.12.026 |
[59] | K. Hagihara, T. Tanaka, H. Izuno, Y. Umakoshi, T. Nakano Non-basal slips in Ni3(Ti, Nb) and Ni3(Ti, Al) single crystals with various long-period stacking ordered structures Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) pp.4365-4373. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2013.04.008 |
[58] | K. Hagihara, Y. Fukusumi, M. Yamasaki, T. Nakano, Y. Kawamura Non-basal slip systems operative in Mg12ZnY long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) phase with 18R and 14H structures Materials Transactions, 54 (2013) pp.693-697. http://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MI201208 |
[57] | K. Hagihara, K. Fujii, A. Matsugaki, T. Nakano Possibility of Mg- and Ca-based intermetallic compounds as new biodegradable implant materials Materials Science and Engineering C, 33 (2013) pp.4101-4111. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2013.05.055 |
[56] | K. Yuge, Y. Koizumi, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, K. Kishida, H. Inui Cr segregation at C11b/C40 interface in MoSi2-based alloys: A first-principles study Intermetallics, 42 (2013) pp.165-169. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2013.06.009 |
[55] | P. S. Ghosh, A. Arya, U. D. Kulkarni, G. K. Dey, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi, K. Hagihara, S. Hata First-principles investigation of phase stability and electronic structure of tetragonal (P4/m) Ga3-xAlxTi2 (x=0-3) compounds Philosophical Magazine Letters, 93 (2013) pp. 273-282. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500839.2013.769068 |
[54] | T. Nakano, K. Hagihara Yield stress anomaly controlled by the phase stability in NbSi2 single crystals Scripta Materialia, 68 (2013) pp.313-316. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.10.053 |
[53] | T. Nakano, K. Hagihara, S. Hata, H. Shigyo, H. Nakashima, Y. Umakoshi, A. Arya, U. D. Kulkarni Long-period ordered superstructures that appear in an (Al,Ga)-rich (Al,Ga)Ti system Philosophical Magazine, 93 (2013) pp.22-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2012.699691 |
[52] | K. Hagihara, A. Kinoshita, Y. Fukusumi, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura High-temperature compressive deformation behavior of Mg97Zn1Y2 extruded alloy containing a long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) phase Materials Science and Engineering A, 560 (2013) pp.71-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2012.09.016 |
[51] | S.-H. Lee, M. Todai, M. Tane, K. Hagihara, H. Nakajima, T. Nakano Biocompatible low Young's modulus achieved by Strong crystallographic elastic anisotropy in Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al alloy single crystal Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 14 (2012) pp.48-54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2012.05.005 |
[50] | K. Yuge, Y. Koizumi, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, K. Kishida, H. Inui First-principles study on phase stability of MoSi2-NbSi2 pseudobinary alloys Physical Review B, 85 (2012) pp.134106-1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.85.134106 |
[49] | S-H. Lee, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Microstructural and orientation dependence of the plastic deformation behavior in β-type Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al alloy single crystals Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43 (2012) pp.1588-1597. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-011-0986-3 |
[48] | K. Hagihara, A. Kinoshita, Y. Fukusumi, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura Microstructural factors affecting the deformation behavior of Mg12ZnY LPSO-phase alloys Materials Science Forum, 706-709 (2012) pp.1158-1163. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.706-709.1158 |
[47] | T. Nakano, K. Sasaki, K. Hagihara, T.Ishimoto, Y. Fujii, A. Serizawa Single crystal growth and its microstructure in Co-Cr-Mo alloys for biomedical applications Materials Science Forum, 706-709 (2012) pp.561-565. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.706-709.561 |
[46] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Fracture behavior and toughness of NbSi2-based single crystals and MoSi2(C11b )/NbSi2(C40) duplex crystals with a single set of lamellae Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) pp.4168-4176. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2011.03.040 |
[45] | K. Hagihara, Y. Sugino, Y. Fukusumi, Y. Umakoshi, T. Nakano Plastic deformation behavior of Mg12ZnY LPSO-phase with 14H-typed structure Materials Transactions, 52 (2011) pp.1096-1103. http://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MC201007 |
[44] | M. Yamasaki, K. Hashimoto, K. Hagihara, Y. Kawamura Effect of multimodal microstructure evolution on mechanical properties of Mg–Zn–Y extruded alloy Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) pp.3646–3658. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2011.02.038 |
[43] | O. Zhu, L. Zhang, J. Yu, A. Shan, J. Wu, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Effects of Cr-addition and lamellar microstructure on the oxidation behavior of single crystal (Mo0.85Nb0.15)Si2 Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) pp.1511–1516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.10.138 |
[42] | K. Hagihara, A. Kinoshita, Y. Sugino, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, H. Y. Yasuda, Y. Umakoshi Effect of long-period stacking ordered phase on mechanical properties of Mg97Zn1Y2 extruded alloy Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) pp.6282-6293. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2010.07.050 |
[41] | M. Tane, S. Akita, T. Nakano, K. Hagihara, Y. Umakoshi, H. Mori, H. Nakajima Low Young's modulus of Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr alloys caused by softening in shear moduli c' and c44 near lower limit of body-centered cubic phase stability Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) pp.6790-6798. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2010.09.007 |
[40] | K. Hagihara, N. Yokotani, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior of Mg12YZn with 18R long-period stacking ordered structure Intermetallics, 18 (2010) pp. 267-276. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2009.07.014 |
[39] | K. Hagihara, A. Kinoshita, Y. Sugino, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, H. Y. Yasuda, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior of Mg89Zn4Y7 extruded alloy composed of long-period stacking ordered phase Intermetallics,18 (2010) pp.1079-1085. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2010.02.011 |
[38] | K. Hagihara, H. Fujimoto, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior of Ni3(Ti0.7Nb0.3) single crystals with D019 structure Intermetallics,18 (2010) pp.434-440. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2009.09.004 |
[37] | M. Yamasaki, K. Hashimoto, K. Hagihara, Y. Kawamura Multimodal microstructure evolution in wrought Mg-Zn-Y alloys with high strength and increased ductility Materials Science Forum, 654-656 (2010) pp.615-618. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.654-656.615 |
[36] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, S. Hata, O. Zhu, Y. Umakoshi Improvement of aligned lamellar structure by Cr-addition to NbSi2/MoSi2 duplex-silicide crystals Scripta Materialia, 62 (2010) pp.613-616. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.01.002 |
[35] | K. Hagihara, A. Kinoshita, Y. Sugino, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, H. Y. Yasuda, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior of Mg97Zn1Y2 extruded alloys Transaction of Nonferrous Metal Society of China, 20 (2010) pp.1259-1268. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1003-6326(09)60288-0 |
[34] | K. Hagihara, M. Mori, T. Kishimoto, Y. Umakoshi Change in microstructure by heat-treatment and corresponding deformation behavior in Ni3V single crystals Materials Science Forum, 638-642 (2010) pp.1318-1323. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.638-642.1318 |
[33] | M. Hirano, M. Yamasaki, K. Hagihara, K. Higashida, Y. Kawamura Effect of extrusion parameters on mechanical properties of Mg97Zn1Y2 alloys at room and elevated temperatures Materials Transactions, 51 (2010) pp.1640-1647. http://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MAW201026 |
[32] | K. Hagihara, A. Kinoshita, Y. Sugino, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, H. Y. Yasuda, Y. Umakoshi Temperature dependence of compressive deformation behavior of Mg89Zn4Y7 extruded LPSO-phase alloys Materials Science Forum, 638-642 (2010) pp.607-610. http://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.654-656.607 |
[31] | K. Hagihara, T. Tachibana, K. Sasaki, Y. Yoshida, N. Shirakawa, T. Nagasawa, T. Narushima, T. Nakano Oxygen distribution in titanium single crystal fabricated by floating-zone method under extremely low oxygen partial pressure Materials Transactions, 50 (2009) pp. 2709-2715. http://doi.org/10.2320/jinstmet.72.928 |
[30] | K. Hagihara, M. Mori, T. Kishimoto, Y. Umakoshi Influence of heat-treatment on microstructure and plastic deformation behavior in Ni3V single crystals with the D022 structure Journal of Physics, 165 (2009) pp.012004 1-4. http://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/165/1/012004 |
[29] | S. Lee, K. Hagihara, M.-H. Oh, T. Nakano Single-crystal growth and plastic deformation behaviour of a Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al alloy for biomedical application Journal of Physics, 165 (2009) pp.012086 1-4. http://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/165/1/012086 |
[28] | 萩原幸司,橘孝洋,佐々木啓太,吉田良由,白河直樹,長澤亨,成島尚之,中野貴由 極低酸素分圧雰囲気下でのTi単結晶の帯溶融育成 日本金属学会誌, 72 (2008) pp.928-934. http://doi.org/10.2320/jinstmet.72.928 |
[27] | M. Tane, S. Akita, H. Nakajima, T. Nakano, K. Hagihara, Y. Umakoshi, M. Niinomi Peculiar elastic behavior of Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr single crystals Acta Materialia, 56 (2008) pp.2856-2863. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2008.02.017 |
[26] | K. Hagihara, T. Tanaka, T. Nakano, P. Veyssiere, Y. Umakoshi Effects of the anisotropy of the anti-phase boundary energy on the yield stress anomaly in Ni3X compounds with close-packed crystal structures Philosophical Magazine Letters, 87 (2007) pp.705-712. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500830701324127 |
[25] | K. Hagihara, M. Mori, Y. Umakoshi Microstructure and plastic deformation behavior of Ni3V single crystals Materials Science Forum, 561-565 (2007) pp.407-410. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.561-565.407 |
[24] | T. Nakano, T. Tachibana, K. Hagihara, Y. Umakoshi, T. Ide, M. Tane, H. Nakajima Microstructure and deformation behavior of lamellar Ti-rich TiAl crystal with lotus-type aligned pores Materials Science Forum, 561-565 (2007) pp.383-386. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.561-565.383 |
[23] | K. Hagihara, T. Tanaka, H. Fujimoto, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Microstructure and plastic deformation behavior of Ni3(Ti, X) (X=Nb, Al) single crystals with long-period geometrically closely-packed crystal structures Intermetallics,14 (2006) pp.1332-1338. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2005.10.020 |
[22] | K. Hagihara, Y. Sugino, Y. Umakoshi The effect of Ti-addition on plastic deformation and fracture behavior of directionally solidified NiAl/Cr(Mo) eutectic alloys Intermetallics,14 (2006) pp.1326-1331. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2005.11.029 |
[21] | K. Hagihara, N. Yokotani, Y. Umakoshi Temperature and orientation dependence of fracture behavior of directionally solidified duplex-phase crystals composed of Ni3X-type intermetallic compounds Materials Science Forum , 512 (2006) pp.67-72. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.512.67 |
[20] | T. Nakano, K. Hagihara, Y. Nakai, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior of NbSi2/MoSi2 crystals with oriented lamellae Intermetallics,14 (2006) pp.1345-1350. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2005.10.017 |
[19] | Y. Wu, S.K. Hwang, K. Hagihara, Y. Umakoshi Isothermal oxidation behavior of two-phase TiAl-Mn-Mo-C-Y alloys fabricated by different processes Intermetallics, 14 (2006) pp. 9-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2005.02.014 |
[18] | Y. Wu, K. Hagihara, Y. Umakoshi Improvement of cyclic oxidation resistance of Y-containing TiAl-based alloys with equiaxial gamma microstructures Intermetallics,13 (2005) pp.519-532. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2005.01.014 |
[17] | K. Hagihara, T. Tanaka, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior of Ni3(Ti0.90Nb0.10) single crystals with nine-layered ordered rhombohedral structure Acta Materialia, 53 (2005) pp.5051-5059. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2005.07.017 |
[16] | Y. Umakoshi, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Deformation modes and anomalous strengthening of Ni3X-type intermetallic compounds with the geometrically close-packed structure Materials Science Forum, 502 (2005) pp.145-150. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.502.145 |
[15] |
K. Hagihara, S. Maeda, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi |
[14] | Y. Wu, K. Hagihara, Y. Umakoshi Influence of Y-addition on the oxidation behavior of Al-rich γ-TiAl alloys Intermetallics, 12 (2004) pp.519-532. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2004.01.008 |
[13] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Slip system, dislocation structure and plastic deformation behavior of Ni3Ti single crystals with D024 structure Materials Science Forum ,426-432 (2003) pp.1709-1714. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.426-432.1709 |
[12] | T. Nakano, Y. Omomoto, K. Hagihara, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior and operative slip systems of ZrSi2 single crystals with C49 type of structure Scripta Materialia, 48 (2003) pp.1307-1312. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1359-6462(03)00022-8 |
[11] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behaviour in Ni3Ti single crystals with D024 structure Acta Materialia, 51 (2003) pp.2623-2637. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1359-6454(03)00060-0 |
[10] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior of oriented Ni3Sn crystals with D019 structure Scripta Materialia, 48 (2003) pp.577-581. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1359-6462(02)00472-4 |
[9] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Effect of Rh and V addition on plastic deformation behaviour in Ni3Nb single crystals with D0a structure Materials Transactions, 43 (2002) pp.2267-2274. http://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.43.2267 |
[8] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Microstructure and compressive flow stress of directionally solidified ternary Ni3(Al, Nb) and quaternary Ni3(Al, Nb, Ti) alloys with duplex phase Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 3 (2002) pp.193-199. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1468-6996(02)00008-6 |
[7] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior by slip on (001)[100] in Ni3Nb single crystals with D0a structure Materials Transactions, 42 (2001) pp.1998-2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.42.1998 |
[6] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Cyclic deformation behavior of Ni3Nb single crystals deforming by slip on (010)[100] Intermetallics, 9 (2001) pp.239-244. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0966-9795(00)00124-2 |
[5] | Y. Umakoshi, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Operative slip systems and anomalous strengthening in Ni3Nb single crystals with the D0a structure Intermetallics, 9 (2001) pp. 955-961. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0966-9795(01)00096-6 |
[4] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behaviour and operative slip systems in Ni3Nb single crystals Acta Materialia, 48 (2000) pp.1469-1480. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1359-6454(99)00447-4 |
[3] | Y. Umakoshi, T. Nakano, K. Kishimoto, D. Furuta, K. Hagihara, M. Azuma Strength and deformation mechanism of C40-based single crystal and polycrystalline silicides Materials Science and Engineering A, A261 (1999) pp.113-121. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0921-5093(98)01056-9 |
[2] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Mechanical properties of C40-based ternary Mo(Si,Al)2 and quaternary (Mo,Zr)(Si,Al)2 silicides Scripta Materialia, 38 (1998) pp. 471-476. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1359-6462(97)00432-6 |
[1] | T. Nakano, K. Hagihara, T. Seno, N. Sumida, M. Yamamoto, Y. Umakoshi Stress anomaly in Al-rich TiAl single crystals deformed by the motion of 1/2<110] ordinary dislocations Philosophical Magazine Letters, 78 (1998) pp.385-391. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/095008398177788 |
[20] | T. Tokunaga, K. Hagihara, S. Ohsawa, S. Uemichi, D. Egusa, E. Abe Controlling factor of the strengthening of mille-feuille structured alloys accompanied by kink-band formation Proceedings of ICPDF ’23 (The Twenty Seventh International Conferences on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture) |
[19] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano Additive manufacturing of MoSi2 and NbSi2 products for ultrahigh-temperature structural materials Proc. of ASPEN2022 (9th Intl. Conf. of Asian Society for Precision Engg. and Nanotechnology), (2022) pp.12-15 doi://10.3850/978-981-18-6021-8OR-01-0181 |
[18] | T. Nakano, T. Ishimoto, A. Matsugaki, K. Hagihara, Y. Koizumi, R. Ozasa Control of crystallographic orientation by metal additive manufacturing process of β-type Ti alloys based on the bone tissue anisotropy Proc. of MATEC Web of Conferences (The 14th World Conference on Titanium), 321 (2020) pp. 05002. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/202032105002 |
[17] | K. Hagihara, T. Okamoto, H. Izuno, M. Yamasaki, M. Matsushita, T. Nakano, Y. Kawamura Plastic deformation behavior of the Mg-based LPSO phases with various crystal structures Proceedings of PRICM9, (2016) pp.27-31. |
[16] | Y. Koizumi, T. Yamazaki, A. Chiba, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, K. Yuge, K. Kishida, H. Inui Phase-field simulation of lamellar structure formation in MoSi2/NbSi2 duplex silicide Proceedings of Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., 1516 (2013) pp.309-315. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/opl.2013.360 |
[15] | T. Yamazaki, Y. Koizumi, A. Chiba, K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, K. Yuge, K. Kishida, H. Inui Phase-field study on the segregation mechanism of additive elements in NbSi2/MoSi2 duplex silicide Proceedings of Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., 1516 (2013) pp. 145-150. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/opl.2013.391 |
[14] | A. Inoue, K. Kishida, H. Inui, K. Hagihara Compression of micro-pillars of a long period stacking ordered phase in the Mg-Zn-Y system Proceedings of Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., 1516 (2013) pp.151-156. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/opl.2012.1749 |
[13] | K. Hagihara, Y. Fukusumi, M. Yamasaki, R. Matsumoto, M. Honnami, H. Izuno, T. Nakano, Y. Kawamura Deformation behavior of LPSO phase and Zn accompanied by kink band formation Proc. of PRICM8, (2013) pp. 973-978. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781118792148.ch119 |
[12] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, M. Niinomi Controlling factors on the fatigue behaviour of Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr alloys single crystals Proc. of PFAM18 (Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials), (2009) pp.1023-1030. |
[11] | K. Hagihara, N. Yokotani, A. Kinoshita, Y. Sugino, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, Y. Umakoshi Relation between the microstructure and the plastic deformation behavior in Mg12YZn with the LPSO structure Magnesium Technology, (2009) pp. 477-482. ISBN: 978-1-118-02936-7 |
[10] | K. Hagihara, N. Yokotani, A. Kinoshita, Y. Sugino, H. Yamamoto, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, Y. Umakoshi Role of the microstructure on the deformation behavior in Mg12ZnY with a long-period stacking ordered structure Proceedings of Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., 1128 (2009) pp.U05-53 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-1128-U05-53 |
[9] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, A. Sonoura, K. Watanabe, Y. Umakoshi, M. Niinomi Effect of bcc-phase stability on cyclic deformation behavior in beta-type Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr alloys single crystals with different Nb content Proceedings of Ti-2007, (2007) pp.1445-1447. |
[8] | T. Nakano, K. Hagihara, H. Maki, Y. Umakoshi, M. Niinomi Crystal growth and plastic deformation behavior of Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr bcc-based single crystal Proceedings of Ti-2007, (2007) pp.1437-1439. |
[7] | K. Hagihara, M. Mori, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior of Ni3V crystals with D022 structure Proceedings of Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., 980 (2007) pp.523-527. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-980-0980-II05-20 |
[6] | T. Nakano, T. Tachibana, K. Hagihara, Y. Umakoshi, T. Ide, M. Tane, H. Nakajima Fabrication and plastic deformation behavior of lamellar Ti-rich TiAl crystals with lotus-type aligned pores Proceedings of MetFoam, (2007) pp. 213-216. |
[5] | T. Nakano, K. Hagihara, Y. Umakoshi Effect of C11b-Stabilized element on deformation mode in (Nb1-xMox)Si2 (X=0-0.85) single crystals Proceedings of Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., 980 (2007) pp.297-302. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-980-0980-II06-02 |
[4] | K. Hagihara, T. Tanaka, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Crystal structure, phase stability and plastic deformation behavior of Ti-rich Ni3(Ti, Nb) single crystals with various long-period ordered structures Proceedings of Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., 842 (2005) pp.S.5.26.1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-842-S5.26 |
[3] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Plastic deformation behavior of Ni3X(X=Nb, Ti, Sn) type HCP-based intermetallics with the geometrically close-packed structure Proceedings of Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., 753 (2003) pp.357-362. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-753-BB5.30 |
[2] | K. Hagihara, T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi Deformation twins in Ni3Nb single crystals with D0a structure Proceedings of Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., 646 (2001) pp. N5.23.1- N5.23.6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-646-N5.23.1 |
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[46] | 杉本隼之,山本幸治,萩原幸司,徳永透子,南埜宜俊 高硬度・高靭性化共析鋼「TOUGHFIT®」の開発 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 64 (2025) pp.117-119. https://doi.org/10.2320/materia.64.117 |
[45] | 萩原幸司,徳永透子,杉本隼之,山本幸治,南埜宜俊 新しい高硬度・高強度・高靭性過共析鋼「TOUGHFIT®」の実用化と今後の展開 Sanyo Technical Report, 31 (2024) pp.3-14. https://www.sanyo-steel.co.jp/technology/images/pdf/31/31_03.pdf |
[44] | 山崎 倫昭, 萩原幸司, 松本 龍介, 眞山 剛, ハルヨ ステファヌス 機能マルチモーダル制御による高強度と高延性を兼ね備える軽合金展伸材設計 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 63 (2024) pp.9-17. https://doi.org/10.2320/materia.63.9 |
[43] | 萩原幸司 ミルフィーユ材料におけるキンク形成,強化機構 日本金属学会セミナーテキスト 「ミルフィーユ構造の創製とキンク強化: 新強化原理として見えてきたこと」,(2023),pp.17-22. |
[42] | 萩原幸司,石本卓也,孫世海,中野貴由 シリサイドを例にした金属積層造形法による集合組織発達の支配因子解明 軽金属, 72 (2022) pp.1–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.2464/jilm.72.1 |
[41] | 南埜宜俊,萩原幸司,杉本隼之,山本幸治 鉄鋼部品の設計・製造・利用を革新する高硬度高強度高靭性過共析鋼の開発と製品化への展開 熱処理,62 (2022) pp.1-9. |
[40] | 南埜宜俊,萩原幸司,相原巧,平岡和彦,藤松威史,杉本隼之,宮部一夫,浜坂直治,山本幸治 高硬度高強度高靭性過共析鋼の靭性への焼戻し温度の影響 Sanyo Technical Report, 26 (2019) pp.1-13. https://www.sanyo-steel.co.jp/technology/images/pdf/26/26_02.pdf |
[39] | 萩原幸司,石本卓也,孫世海,中野貴由 Additive Manufacturing プロセスによるシリサイド金属間化合物の結晶方位・組織制御 スマートプロセス学会誌,8 (2019) pp.84-89. https://doi.org/10.7791/jspmee.8.84 |
[38] | 萩原幸司,池西貴昭,中野貴由 Cr, Ir 共添加によるC40/C11b超高温耐熱複相シリサイドの格子ラメラ組織制御 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 58 (2019) pp.81. http://doi:10.2320/materia.58.81 |
[37] | 萩原幸司,中野貴由,山崎倫昭,河村能人 Mg 基LPSO 相をはじめとする種々の異方性材料に見られる特異な変形帯形成 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 57 (2018) pp.607. https://doi.org/10.2320/materia.57.607 |
[36] | 萩原幸司,池西貴昭,中野貴由 C40/C11b超高温耐熱複相シリサイド合金における特異な「cross-lamellar microstructure」の発達 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 57 (2018) pp.204. |
[35] | 萩原幸司,石本卓也,中野貴由 金属積層造形法における形状・組織制御による異方性付与 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 57 (2018) pp.145-149. http://doi.org/10.2320/materia.57.145 |
[34] | 萩原幸司 チタン単結晶の塑性変形機構 軽金属,68 (2018) pp.172-180. |
[33] | 萩原幸司,中野貴由 1400℃でも使用可能な超高温耐熱材料を開発 Ceramics Japan, 52 (2017) p.724. http://www.ceramic.or.jp/ihensyub/topics/topics2017.10.pdf |
[32] | 萩原幸司 「高機能性構造材料」としてのマグネシウム合金開発 軽金属,67 (2017) pp.293-300. http://doi.org/10.2464/jilm.67.293 |
[31] | 中野貴由,石本卓也,萩原幸司 粉末積層造形法による形状と組織制御による異方性付与 粉体および粉末冶金,64 (2017) pp.259-264. http://doi.org/10.2497/jjspm.64.259 |
[30] | 萩原幸司,眞山剛,山崎倫昭,大橋鉄也,河村能人,中野貴由 六方晶系材料における変形帯形成に関する,実験,計算両観点からの考察 日本機械学会 M&M2016カンファレンス 講演論文集, (2016), OS-0111. http://doi.org/10.1299/jsmemm.2016.OS01-11 |
[29] | 萩原幸司,森川龍哉,東田賢二 シンクロ型LPSO構造の力学的性質とキンク変形挙動 金属,86 (2016) pp.472-479. ISSN 0368-6337 |
[28] | 荒木秀樹,中野貴由,石本卓也,萩原幸司,井出拓哉,中本将嗣,玉岡秀房 イノベーションスタイルの構築に向けた取り組みについて 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 54 (2015) pp.519-521. http://doi.org/10.2320/materia.54.519 |
[27] | 中野貴由,石本卓也,萩原幸司,井出拓哉,中本将嗣,蘇亜拉図,孫世海,荒木秀樹,玉岡秀房 異方性カスタム材質・形状制御について 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 54 (2015) pp.502-504. http://doi.org/10.2320/materia.54.502 |
[26] | 萩原幸司,東田賢二 シンクロ型LPSO構造相の塑性変形挙動 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 54 (2015) pp.60-64. http://doi.org/10.2320/materia.54.60 |
[25] | 萩原幸司 単結晶による生体用β型チタン合金の交番変形特性解明 チタン, 62 (2014) p.266. |
[24] | 萩原幸司, 岡本拓也, 伊津野仁史,本浪雅史, 山崎倫昭, 中野貴由, 河村能人 強化相としてのLPSO相が示す塑性異方性 第58回 日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会 講演論文集, (2014) pp.325-326. |
[23] | 本浪雅史,萩原幸司,伊津野仁史,多根正和,山崎倫昭,眞山剛,中野貴由,河村能人 六方晶系材料にて観察される変形帯の特徴 第58回 日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会 講演論文集, (2014) p.333. |
[22] | 萩原幸司 高機能構造材料開発への取り組み 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 53 (2014) pp.348-354. http://doi.org/10.2320/materia.53.348 |
[21] | 萩原幸司,本浪雅史,山崎倫昭,岡本拓也,伊津野仁史,多根正和,中野貴由,河村能人 LPSO相の塑性変形にて形成する変形帯の特徴 日本機械学会 M&M2014カンファレンス 講演論文集, (2014), OS-0101. http://doi.org/10.1299/jsmemm.2014._OS0101-1_ |
[20] | 萩原幸司 シンクロ型LPSO相におけるキンク変形帯の結晶学的特徴 日本機械学会 2013年度年次大会 講演論文集, (2013), W012001 1-3. http://doi.org/10.1299/jsmemecj.2013._W012001-1 |
[19] | 萩原幸司,本浪雅史,伊津野仁史,中野貴由,山崎倫昭,河村能人 LPSO相,HCP結晶におけるキンク変形の実験的考察 日本機械学会 M&M2013カンファレンス 講演論文集, (2013), OS-0413. http://doi.org/10.1299/jsmemm.2013._OS0413-1_ |
[18] | 山崎倫昭,萩原幸司,眞山剛,河村能人 Mg基LPSO相のキング変形帯の電子線後方散乱回折法による観察 日本機械学会 M&M2013カンファレンス 講演論文集, (2013), OS-0415. http://doi.org/10.1299/jsmemm.2013._OS0415-1_ |
[17] | 眞山 剛, 大橋鉄也, 只野裕一, 萩原幸司 単軸圧縮負荷を受けるHCP単結晶におけるキング帯形成過程の結晶塑性解析 日本機械学会 M&M2013カンファレンス 講演論文集, (2013), OS-0417. http://doi.org/10.1299/jsmemm.2013._OS0417-1_ |
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[15] | 萩原幸司 シンクロ型LPSO相の塑性変形挙動 日本金属学会セミナーテキスト 「シンクロ型LPSO構造の材料科学 -次世代軽量構造材料へのイノベーション-」,(2013),pp.19-22. |
[14] | 萩原幸司, 山崎倫昭, 中野貴由, 河村能人 Mg基シンクロ型LPSO相の塑性変形機構、Mg合金強化に及ぼす寄与 第57回 日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会 講演論文集, (2013) pp.199-200. |
[13] | 眞山 剛, 大橋鉄也, 只野裕一, 萩原幸司 単一すべり面の支配的な活動に伴う粒内方位差発展に関する結晶塑性解析 日本機械学会2013年度計算力学講演会 講演論文集 (2013). http://doi.org/10.1299/jsmecmd.2013.26._1401-1_ |
[12] | 萩原幸司 シンクロ型LPSO相の塑性変形機構,Mg合金強化機構 日本機械学会2012年度年次大会 講演概要集,(2012), W012002 pp.1-4. http://doi.org/10.1299/jsmemecj.2012._W012002-1 |
[11] | 萩原幸司,福住嘉浩,中野貴由,山崎倫昭,河村能人 HCP 金属,シンクロ型LPSO相におけるキンク変形 日本機械学会M&M2012カンファレンス 講演概要集, (2012), OS-0306. http://doi.org/10.1299/jsmemm.2012._OS0306-1_ |
[10] | 波多聰,廣澤渉一,村上恭和,井誠一郎,萩原幸司,中川惠友,池田賢一,松田光弘,宮野公樹,塗溶 若手研究者からみた研究教育のグローバル化とこれからの日本の材料科学 日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 51 (2012) pp.453-454. http://doi.org/10.2320/materia.51.453 |
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[5] | 萩原幸司 長周期積層構造相の力学特性,塑性変形挙動 日本金属学会分科会シンポジウムセミナーテキスト 「長周期積層構造型マグネシウム合金の現状と今後の課題」, (2008) pp.29-32. |
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[1] | 萩原幸司,中野貴由,馬越佑吉 D0a型Ni3Nb単結晶の変形微細組織 日本金属学会誌まてりあ,39 (2000) p.996. http://doi.org/10.2320/materia.39.996 |
[11] | 松坂匡晃,松垣あいら,萩原幸司,松本卓也,中野貴由 (分担執筆) 生体吸収性外科材料の使い方と新しい材料の有用性 第7章 第3節 生体吸収性無機/有機骨補填材の生体内動態とその機序,pp.370-379. 技術情報協会 (2024). ISBN: 978-4-86798-014-9 |
[10] | 萩原幸司,徳永透子,中野貴由 (分担執筆) 傾斜機能材料ハンドブック 第II編 第1章 第2節 超高温耐用複相シリサイド合金の開発, pp.152-165. エヌ・ティー・エス (2024). ISBN: 978-4-86043-776-3 |
[9] | 萩原幸司 (分担執筆) チタンの基礎と応用 第4章 力学特性 2節 塑性変形特性, pp.113-131. 内田老鶴圃 (2023). ISBN: 978-4-7536-5112-2 |
[8] | T. Nakano, K. Hagihara (分担執筆) ASM Handbook, Volume 23A: Additive Manufacturing in Biomedical Applications Edited by Roger J. Narayan Additive Manufacturing of Medical Devices, ASM International (2022) pp.416-433. |
[7] | 萩原幸司,石本卓也,孫世海,中野貴由 (分担執筆) デジタル化時代のAdditive Manufacturing の基礎と応用 第6章 1節 レーザ粉末床溶融結合法によるシリサイド金属間化合物の結晶方位,組織制御,pp.157-160. リブロ社 (2022). ISBN: 978-4-915697-37-1 |
[6] | 萩原幸司 (分担執筆) マグネシウム合金の最先端技術と応用展開 第1章 5節 マグネシウム合金のキンク強化,pp.63-71. シーエムシー出版 (2020). ISBN: 978-4-7813-1505-8 |
[5] | 萩原幸司 (分担執筆) LPSO型マグネシウム合金の材料科学 実用段階に入った日本発の新合金 第4章 LPSO型マグネシウム合金はなぜ強いのか?, pp.133-152 日経BPコンサルティング (2018). ISBN: 978-4-8644-3128-6 |
[4] | 萩原幸司 (分担執筆) バイオマテリアル研究の最前線 4-2-1. 新たな(Mg,Ca)基生分解性金属材料の開発, pp.111-112 日本金属学会 (2014). ISBN: 978-4-88903-076-1 |
[3] | 萩原幸司,中野貴由 (分担執筆) バイオマテリアル研究の最前線 2-3-3. 薬事認可されたβ型Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al合金単結晶の塑性挙動の解明, pp.35-36 日本金属学会 (2014). ISBN: 978-4-88903-076-1 |
[2] | 萩原幸司 (分担執筆) 未来型人工関節を目指して~その歴史から将来展望まで~ 5-1-4. 生分解性医療用金属材料, pp.176-180 日本医学館 (2013). ISBN: 978-4-89044-772-5 |
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